Error A or ErrA in BC-601 or BC-545N means that there is a problem with the age setting in the profile, and usually this is the result of an incorrect current date or time setting of the device.
For example, after replacing the batteries, the device defaults to a certain date and time (like 2012 or 2020), and this may result in a problematic age setting in the profile.
Please check the current date and time settings in the device and then check the birthday setting in the user profile, to solve this problem.
Check and/or change current date and time in BC-545N:
How do I (re)set the current date and time on my BC-545N?
Check and/or change a user profile in BC-545N:
How do I change the age, gender or height on my BC-545N?
Check and/or change current date and time in BC-601:
How do I (re)set the current date and time on my BC-601?
Check and or change a user profile in BC-601:
How do I create or change a profile on my BC-601?
In case these solutions do not help, please send us an email to [email protected] with the following information:
- The LOT number of the device. It's on a sticker on the bottom of the scale.
- The proof of purchase so we can check if the warranty is still valid and who is responsible for the warranty.
- Is the device used professionally or privately?
- A picture of the complete top and of the bottom of the device.